Sunday, March 30, 2008

#14 Technorati Plus

Okay, now I'm back to feeling overwhelmed. I read the text, watched the video, and performed the searches. It is more attractive on the front end than my previous choice of Syndic8, but with the new features demanding my attention, I'm still inundated with information. Just the fact that I can watch comments people make, see who has replied to those comments, see how they rate in the blogosphere, find out what else they have to say, etc. etc., makes me want to go take a nap. For my purposes, I will probably just utilized the information on the homepage of each category: business, entertainment and so on. This does not mean I don't see the important utility of weblogs. I'm just not one to spider the web for news or fun.
That being said, I did happen to find another interesting blog I'd like to check in on frequently, Very cool look at new technologies from a layperson's view.

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